Microsoft Connector For Oracle By Attunity For Ssis Derived

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Microsoft Connector For Oracle By Attunity For Ssis Derived Average ratng: 4,7/5 6965 reviews


Active5 years, 4 months ago

We have an SSIS 2012 package that supports our internal analytics reporting database by extracting data from an external database server.

Last night, for the first time, the package failed due to a database connection timeout error when attempting to connect to the external database.

It seems to me that it would make sense to enhance our SSIS package with some means of making multiple attempts to connect before failing completely.

For example, we would want the SSIS package to try 3 times, perhaps sleeping for 5 minutes before attempting a retry. If there are 3 failures to connect, then return an error for the package.

Attunity Oracle Connector are not in SSIS toolboxor anywhere else in Viisual Studio. Ive installed them but they will not show up anywhere. This is a clean windows 10 install and what I have done so far is. Can “Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity” be used as Provider for Linked Server. I have heard that the Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity to be used by SSIS is more efficient than MSDAOra or OraOledb.Oracle drivers. Can Oracle by Attunity be used as a provider for a link. You create a Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or 2014 Integration Services (SSIS 2012/2014) package by using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). You create a connection manager by using the Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity. You set the ProtectionLevel property of the project to EncryptSensitiveWithPassword.

The Teradata Parallel Transporter API is a functional library that is part of the Microsoft Connector for Teradata by Attunity, and it provides the SQL Server Integration Services application with more control during the load and unload processes. Attunity's high speed connectors for Oracle and Teradata have been selected by Microsoft to be included with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). These high speed connectors created by Attunity provide: Optimized, best-in-class performance. Export SQL Server Data to Oracle using SSIS. Derived column. You can also use user-defined functions to accomplish the same thing. The Microsoft OLE. Apr 20, 2015  Thanks for the reply Katherine, I have installed the Attunity Connector and it is listed under Programs and Features: But when I open VS 2013 and create a new project, I create a DTF and look under the Common toolbox and the Oracle Destination / Source are still not listed.

I've searched for references on this, but I am not finding anything; it seems that it should be an obvious feature, and I must not be looking in the right places.

Meteonorm 6.1 serial number. Here are some details:

  • Using SSIS 2012 packages in a local SQL Server 2012 server.
  • Extracting data from a remote Oracle database
  • Using Microsoft Connector for Oracle by Attunity
  • The SSIS package is called from a Scheduled Job using SQL Server Agent
  • The SSIS package has very simple components that consist of a truncate table step followed by a Data Flow task.
  • The Data Flow task uses the Oracle Data Source component connected to an OLE DB Destination (our local SQL server instance/database).
  • There is 1 intermediary Derived Column component, that adds some calculated data to the destination.
  • The package has successfully run many times in our production environment, so I already know it's not due to development/visual studio vs. SSIS catalog in SQL Server, etc.

I have looked at the Connection Manager for my external Oracle database, and I've looked at the Oracle Data Source component, but I don't see anything that looks like it would support a retry.

Should I be creating some type of retry loop using the on-error functionality?

It seems a bit like overkill, perhaps there is some property within the Oracle Source Component that I need to put in the configuration somewhere?

Ssis Attunity Oracle Connector


1 Answer

There is a way to setup the number of times to retry and to set the interval between each try inside the SQL Agent Job. Simply open the job and edit the job step. Click on advanced link. Once there, you can set the retry attemps and retry interval see below. You can also setup the package to restart from the point of failure. I have not done that personally but I am sure there is a blog that talks about it. This one might help.


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Attunity For Oracle For Ssis 2017


Atunity-Connectors für Oracle und Teradata unterstützen SQL Server 2017 und niedriger.Atunity Connectors for Oracle and Teradata support SQL Server 2017 and below.

Holen Sie sich hier die neuesten Connectors für Oracle und Teradata von SQL Server 2019: Microsoft Connector für OracleFrom SQL Server 2019, get latest connectors for Oracle and Teradata here: Microsoft Connector for Oracle

Sie können Connectors von Attunity für Integration Services herunterladen, die die Leistung verbessern, wenn Daten in oder aus Oracle oder Teradata in ein SSIS-Paket geladen werden.You can download connectors for Integration Services by Attunity that optimize performance when loading data to or from Oracle or Teradata in an SSIS package.

Herunterladen der neuesten Attunity-ConnectorsDownload the latest Attunity connectors

Microsoft Connector For Oracle By Attunity For Ssis Derived Columns

Laden Sie die neuesten Versionen der Connectors unter folgendem Link herunter:Get the latest version of the connectors here:
Microsoft Connectors v5.0 for Oracle and Teradata (Microsoft Connectors Version 5.0 für Oracle und Teradata)Microsoft Connectors v5.0 for Oracle and Teradata

Problem: Die Attunity-Connectors werden in der SSIS-Toolbox nicht angezeigtIssue - The Attunity connectors aren't visible in the SSIS Toolbox

Damit die Attunity-Connectors in der SSIS-Toolbox angezeigt werden, müssen Sie stets die Version der Connectors installieren, die auf dieselbe SQL Server-Version ausgerichtet ist wie die auf Ihrem Computer installierten SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).To see the Attunity connectors in the SSIS Toolbox, you always have to install the version of the connectors that targets the same version of SQL Server as the version of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) installed on your computer.(Es dürfen auch frühere Versionen der Connectors installiert sein.) Diese Anforderung steht nicht mit der SQL Server-Version in Zusammenhang, auf die Ihre SSIS-Projekte und -Pakete ausgerichtet sind.(You may also have earlier versions of the connectors installed.) This requirement is independent of the version of SQL Server that you want to target in your SSIS projects and packages.

Wenn z.B. die neueste SSDT-Version installiert ist, ist Version 17 von SSDT mit einer Buildnummer installiert, die mit der Zahl 14 beginnt.For example, if you've installed the latest version of SSDT, you have version 17 of SSDT with a build number that starts with 14.In dieser Version von SSDT wird die SQL Server 2017-Unterstützung hinzugefügt.This version of SSDT adds support for SQL Server 2017.Sie müssen die neuste Version von Attunity-Connectors (Version 5.0) installieren, wenn Sie Attunity Connectors in der SSIS-Paketentwicklung abrufen und verwenden möchten, sogar wenn Sie diese auf eine frühere SQL Server-Version ausrichten möchten.To see and use the Attunity connectors in SSIS package development - even if you want to target an earlier version of SQL Server - you also have to install the latest version of the Attunity connectors, version 5.0.In dieser Version der Connectors wird außerdem die SQL Server 2017-Unterstützung hinzugefügt.This version of the connectors also adds support for SQL Server 2017.

Überprüfen Sie die in Visual Studio installierte Version von SSDT unter HilfeInfo zu Microsoft Visual Studio oder unter Programme und Funktionen in den Einstellungen.Check the installed version of SSDT in Visual Studio from HelpAbout Microsoft Visual Studio, or in Programs and Features in the Control Panel.Installieren Sie anschließend die zugehörige Version der Attunity-Connectors aus der folgenden Tabelle.Then install the corresponding version of the Attunity connectors from the following table.

Microsoft Connector For Oracle By At T Unity

SSDT-VersionSSDT versionSSDT-BuildnummerSSDT build numberZielversion von SQL ServerTarget SQL Server versionErforderliche Connectors-VersionRequired version of Connectors
1717Beginnt mit 14Starts with 14SQL Server 2017SQL Server 2017Microsoft Connectors v5.0 for Oracle and Teradata (Microsoft Connectors Version 5.0 für Oracle und Teradata)Microsoft Connectors v5.0 for Oracle and Teradata
1616Beginnt mit 13Starts with 13SQL Server 2016SQL Server 2016Microsoft Connectors v4.0 for Oracle and Teradata (Microsoft Connectors Version 4.0 für Oracle und Teradata)Microsoft Connectors v4.0 for Oracle and Teradata

Herunterladen der neuesten SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)Download the latest SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

Attunity Oracle Connector 4.0

Laden Sie die neueste Version von SSDT unter folgendem Link herunter:Get the latest version of SSDT here:
Herunterladen von SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)Download SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)