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Digital: High-Speed Digital Design - http://www.sigcon.com/ |
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Electronics for Beginners- http://ourworld.cs.com/gknott5413 |
EMC- http://www.williamson-labs.com/480_emc.htm |
Energy/Alternatives: PicoTurbine - http://www.picoturbine.com/ |
Filter - Designing & Implementing Active BP filter - http://ite.gmu.edu/~aaljassa/ece464/project.html |
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How does a RF receiver work ?- http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/receiv.html |
How Electronic Devices Work- http://www.howstuffworks.com/category-electronics.htm |
How Memory Works- http://www.xtronics.com/memory/how_memory-works.htm |
How Stuff Works: Digital Clock- http://www.howstuffworks.com/digital-clock.htm |
How Stuff Works: Digital Logic Circuits- http://www.howstuffworks.com/digital-electronics.htm |
How Stuff Works: How Radio Works- http://www.howstuffworks.com/radio.htm |
How Stuff Works: Stereolithography- http://www.howstuffworks.com/stereolith.htm |
Inductors- http://www.williamson-labs.com/480_rlc-l.htm |
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Microcontroller Page- http://www.enel.ucalgary.ca/~patterso |
Microcontroller, The Basics of Programming and Using a PIC Microcontroller- http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~db283101/pichowto.html |
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Prototyping- http://www.williamson-labs.com/480_prot.htm |
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- Basic Electronics Tutorial
- Electronic Components
- Resistors
Electronics Tutorials In Pdf Download
- Capacitors
- Inductors
- Transformers
- Diodes
- Transistors
- Basic Electronics Useful Resources
- Selected Reading
This tutorial supplies basic information on how to use electronic components and explains the logic behind solid state circuit design. Starting with an introduction to semiconductor physics, the tutorial moves on to cover topics such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, diodes, and transistors. Some of the topics and the circuits built with the components discussed in this tutorial are elaborately discussed in the ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS tutorial.
Basic Electronics For Beginners
This tutorial should be useful for all readers who want to gain preliminary knowledge regarding the basic components used in electronic circuits.
We don’t assume any prior knowledge of Electronics to understand this tutorial. The material is meant for beginners and it should be useful for most readers.